
Internships at The Asheville Art Museum 

As part of its longstanding education program, the Museum’s internship program aims to give interns real-world experience and insight so that their transition from student to professional is supported, informed, and encouraged. This goal is achieved by:

  • Providing current undergraduate and graduate students, as well as recent graduates (within one year of graduation), opportunities to collaborate with Museum staff on projects related to the arts, arts education, and arts administration 
  • Introducing interns to the broad spectrum of museum work and to Museum staff, departments, programs, and operations 

Interns are an integral part of the Museum’s community, helping staff and visitors in many ways. In addition, the Museum seeks to reach underserved populations that have limited access to arts and professional development opportunities in the arts. 

The deadline for summer 2025 internships has passed and we are no longer accepting applications. Please check back in June when we will post our fall internship offerings.