
Use the form below for general questions, or scroll down to connect with us for more specific inquiries.

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2 South Pack Square
Asheville, NC 28801

Mailing Address
PO Box 1717
Asheville, NC 28802-1717


Art Inquiries

For exhibition proposals, information about artworks, or artwork donations, click here for more information.

Image Requests

To request images for publication or other uses, click here to complete our request for image use form.

Photography & Video

Fill out this form if you are interested in having a photo or video shoot at the Museum.

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Pamela Myers  |  Executive Director & Acting Director of Curatorial Affairs


Curatorial Team

Jessica Orzulak  | Associate Curator & Curatorial Affairs Manager | x128

Chris Whitten  |  Associate Registrar | x131

Elizabeth Brauneis  | Project Registrar of Architectural Records

Ehren Gerhard  | Curatorial Project Manager | x120

Robin Klaus  | Assistant Curator | x130

External Affairs

Hilary Greene  |  Communications Manager  | ×116

Luek Collins  |  Membership & Development Assistant | ×114

Tasha Glenn  |  Membership & Museum Events Manager  | ×117

Emily Robison  | Grants Manager  | ×115

Emily Voss  |  Communications & Development Associate  | ×111

Learning & Engagement

Learning & Engagement Team

Julie Levin Caro  |  Head of Learning & Engagement  | ×121

Jenny Clements  |  School & Teacher Programs Associate  | ×124

Operations & Administration

Neal Page  |  Head of Operations  |  ×129

Luke Whitlatch  |  Head of Preparation & Facilities  |  ×119

Alice Harris  |  Finance & Administration Manager  |  ×123

Frances Gibson  |  Custodial Manager

Lindsay Jones  |  Preparation & Facilities Assistant  |  ×127

Brandon Ocegueda  |  Museum Store & Welcome Desk Assistant  |  ×118

Lara Shirar  |  Museum Store & Visitor Services Manager  |  ×126

Perspective Café  |  ×136

Join the Museum Family

Enrich your involvement with the Museum by joining our vibrant family of Members. Experience great art while mingling with fellow art lovers at an opening reception, watch a local ceramist throw a pot in her studio, discover new creative skills at a workshop—all this and more. As a Member, you will enjoy a wide range of benefits while providing vital support for the Museum’s engaging education programs and innovative exhibitions. We invite you to join us! Join, renew, or give the gift of Museum membership today.

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